- Provides a high-level collective voice for the sector.
- Brings the sector together through the Industry Leadership Group.
- Showcases industry as the solution to many of our grand challenges.
- Advocates and seeks to influence government on critical issues relating to the industry.
- Identifies and supports the development of the infrastructure needed to deliver on major industry challenges such as the decarbonisation of products and processes.
- Advises on issues related to cohesion and clarity in regulatory and compliance environments.
- Articulates what skills will be required for new jobs in the sector and work with our schools, colleges and universities to ensure graduates are well-positioned to meet industry needs.
- Connects industry with the collective academic expertise of Scotland’s university chemistry departments, already represented by ScotCHEM ACADEMIA.
- Identifies research focus areas related to industry challenges, where our universities can partner with industry to address them.
- Drives innovation by brokering partnerships with specific research expertise to address industry-identified challenges.
- Applies for industry-university partnership funding (related to priorities identified by industry).
- Builds trust with communities through targeted engagement programmes.
- Connects into and across other national initiatives to eliminate duplication, ensure economies of scale and maximise return on investment.
- Helps families and communities to embrace opportunities presented by the chemical industries through the National Skills Academy, graduate apprentice programmes, and industry-focused skills delivery.
- Engages with the 3rd sector to reach disadvantaged and excluded communities and young people, bringing prosperity to all citizens through the chemical sciences.

Contact us for further information on becoming a member of ScotCHEM Industries.