Lightweight Manufacturing Centre Feedback

Lightweight Manufacturing - A first step towards creating a national manufacturing institute for Scotland. With logos for Scottish government, University of Strathclyde, Advanced Forming research centre, and Scottish enterprise.

The Lightweight Manufacturing Centre in Renfrew is a new part of the Scottish Government’s National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS). It will focus on the manufacture of lightweight components for a range of industries in which lighter materials offer benefits, including, aerospace, automotive, oil and gas, renewables, medical, marine and off-highway transport. It will deliver cutting-edge research and development projects involving lightweight materials in partnership with companies in Scotland

Further Background

Areas of interest

  • Additive manufacture.
  • Fibre development
  • Nanomaterials
  • Composites
  • New materials
  • Adhesives
  • Surface treatments
  • Packaging
  • Battery
  • Printed electronics
  • Processing, properties and chemistry

The LMC team have suggested the items below for special consideration.

  1. Hybrid structures: multi-material, metallic + non-metallic (processing/forming simultaneously)
    • Cathodic protection
    • We need good surface energy to allow covalent bonding,
    • Clean
    • Hard yet ductile
    • Simulation
  2. Alternative pre-cursors for industrial fibres
    • Sustainability
    • Mechanical performance
    • Fibre matrix interactions
  3. Disbonding; the failure of a coating to adhere to its substrate.
    • Peptides?
  4. Solid-state batteries
  5. Nano-particles


Please email feedback  to [email protected].

In your message please consider including:

  • Name.
  • Email.
  • Website.
  • Affiliation.
  • Department.
  • A brief description of your research interests.
  • Any research areas which the LMC should consider.
  • Which equipment would you like to see at the LMC and why?
  • What are the current gaps in the equipment base in academia in Scotland?
  • Which equipment that already exists would be useful to have at a larger scale?
  • Any further comments.