The objective of the exchange was to develop a multidisciplinary research collaboration leading to the submission of a European H2020 proposal. Towards this objective, I interacted closely with chemistry academics at Strathclyde as well as an academic within the Electronic and Electrical Engineering department. As the proposal involved multidisciplinary aspects spanning analytical chemistry, polymer chemistry and image processing, close interactions with their respective research groups ensured the drafting of an effective document. Further, I gained valuable information about the University’s Researcher Development Programme and various researcher training that were incorporated into the proposal. The combined input gained through these interactions led to the proposal submission for a H2020-MSCA-IF-2016 – Standard European Fellowship. Apart from the submission of the proposal, the exchange visit helped me get an insight into research activities carried out in the hosts’ research groups and their relevance to research objectives at my own institute based in India. This has enhanced the possibilities for a future mutually beneficial long-term research collaboration between WestCHEM and the Indian institute.