The chemical sciences contribute significantly to the Scottish economy with >240 companies supporting 11,000 direct jobs and 70,000 indirect jobs, delivering £4.4bn in exports and contributing £1.3bn GVA(1). ScotCHEM INDUSTRIES will unite this sector, with a unified voice for advocacy and influence, on matters of shared interest.
Chemistry research in Scotland is world-leading: four of our chemistry departments rank in the top 10, seven in the top 30, and Dundee Life Sciences rank 9th in the UK(2).
The importance and significance of chemistry research to our chemical industries have never been greater, especially considering government priorities (Climate Plan, National Strategy for Economic Transformation and National Performance Framework). Translational research can help solve industries’ challenges and support them on their innovation journeys.
But to find the best solutions, you need to connect with the right people and organisations.
ScotCHEM INDUSTRIES connects the sector to relevant academic expertise across our universities through ScotCHEM ACADEMIA, and to the public thgrough ScotCHEM COMMUNITIES