Talk detail - Shining Light on Medieval Manuscripts

Shining Light on Medieval Manuscripts

Main list: Heriot Watt


After a long career making and studying a diverse range of luminescent materials my research turn an unexpected turn. I was asked “Could you use spectroscopy to analyse the paint in an old book?”. Surprisingly little is known about the paints and colours used to paint the vibrant illuminations in medieval manuscripts, some dating back as far as the 6th century. Analysing them is non-trivial: any methods have to be non-sampling and non-damaging and made in the library that owns the non-priceless books. Thus was born ’Team-Pigment’ a collaboration between chemists, historians, conservation scientists and librarians. Together we have studied over 250 manuscripts created between the 6th and 15th centuries and our systematic work has begun to reveal patterns in pigment use through the ages.

  • Speaker

    Prof Andrew Beeby
    The University of Durham

  • Venue

    Heriot Watt University

  • Date

    November 29, 2017

  • Time

    From: 14h15 To: 15h15

  • Sponsor

    Heriot Watt University
    Heriot Watt Chemistry ranked No.1 for student satisfaction in Scotland by National Student Survey in 2016.

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