Be part of Scotland’s next generation in chemical innovation
A workshop bringing together industrialists, artists and ScotCHEM’s new research leaders.
Monday 17th June 2019
Juniper Auditorium
V&A Dundee,
Riverside Esplanade, Dundee, DD1 4EZ
Venue information
Speaker Presentations
Dr Matthew Reeves
Dr Heather Anderson
University of Strathclyde
Dr Deborah Carr
Dr Mike McPherson
Creation IP
Dr Romain Viguier
Scottish Centre for Carbon Capture and Storage
Attendee Information
Dr John Dilleen
Energy Diagnostics
An excellent opportunity to:
- Meet Scotland’s next generation chemical science leaders
- Catalyse creativity by joining our ‘Big Ideas’ and ‘Art meets Chemistry’ break out sessions.
- Two £1k art meets chemistry commissions
- Meet industry scientists
- Meet business people and entrepreneurs
- Learn about upcoming funding opportunities
- Discuss collaboration and innovation
- You must register by Friday 14th June.
- Academic registrations are limited to ScotCHEM ECRs.
- Non-academics can also use the form below.
- Registration is free
- ScotCHEM will reimburse travel costs for our ECRs.
- ScotCHEM ECRs will be given a 2 minutes slot to pitch their research interests.
- Postdoctoral researchers may attend if they are actively seeking an independent position.
To register please complete the form below: